I found this documentary short to be utterly captivating and Slomo to be truly inspirational. Anything where you can get this lateral acceleration feeling, you can use that for meditation, because it puts you in the zone.” He is an aged gentleman - maybe in his 50s, early 60s, and he spends his days skating down beach-side Ocean Front Walk doing a form of Tai Chi on roller blades, in slow motion, and to a soundtrack. In his own words: “If you keep constant, the feeling of expansion continues to build. In San Diego, CA, most people dont even know the real name of the biggest celebrity in town. Kitchin, or Slomo, as he’s known now, it was in a New York Times article featuring Josh Izenberg documentary short on the neurologist who dropped out of the life he had built to rollerblade in a super-slow glide down the boardwalk as a means of finding bliss. Much like the way skating on the Pacific Beach boardwalk in San Diego does for Dr. Flowing through Surya Namaskar gives the feeling of lateral acceleration. There, he undergoes a radical transformation into SLOMO, trading his lab coat for a pair of rollerblades and his IRA for a taste of divinity. John Kitchin abandons his career as a neurologist and moves to Pacific Beach. Depressed and frustrated with his life, Dr. Trending Videos Carl Sagans Cosmos: A Personal Voyage (1980) 780 min. Showing all 1 items Jump to: Summaries (1) Summaries. But my favorite benefit of Surya Namaskar is the way it becomes meditation in motion for me, and consequently roots me in the present moment, energized and ready to move forward. There, he undergoes a radical transformation into SLOMO, trading his lab coat for a pair of rollerblades and his IRA for a taste of divinity.

It combines nearly every group of poses (standing, forward fold, backbend, and even a mild inversion with Adho Mukha Svanasana) and combined with Shirsasana (headstand) and Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) and their variations can constitute a complete yoga practice.

Being on a boat promotes physiological and psychological changes spanning health and wellness, awe and wonder, creativity and play, happiness and relaxation. It provides the means to get outside of daily routines, allowing our brains to reset. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. It strengthens the arms and core, opens the hip flexors and chest, and stimulates the thyroid gland through the continued flexion and extension of the neck. Boating triggers a restful, Blue Mind state of mind. Yesterday was the first International Yoga Day as well as the Summer Solstice and Father’s Day, and to celebrate all three, I decided to do 108 rounds of classical Surya Namaskar, the oldest known physical practice of yoga.